Job List for Working Bees etc.
(This list will probably be revised again before the next working bee)
Maintaining the Karkarook Native Garden: Some weeds are poking through - easy job if we keep on top of them
Propagation: We have a need for Bursaria spinosa (Sweet Bursaria) and Leptospermum continentale (Prickly Tea-tree) which we can grow from cuttings.
Equipment Maintenance: Bunnings have kindly supplied replacement wheel assemblies for two of our barrows (flat tires and leaking tubes). so these need to be fitted.
Planting shrubs. We have native shrubs ready to plant into the native garden and out in the park: Planting will depend on weather conditions and how many volunteers turn up.
Weed control in compound.
Litter Collection: A casual stroll through the park with litter bag and pick-up stick
Clean-up of the Compressor Shed. Not in use because the air-hose to the lake is currently broken. The compressor should be fine, but as we start to advocate for the repair of the hose, we can at least clean up the shed.