Rivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin.

Young, W.J., editor. 

OUT OF PRINT.  Describes the link between river flows, sediment and nutrient transport, river channel forms and river and floodplain habitats, plants and animal 

Natural World of Bugs and Insects Hardcover – 1 January 2001
  by  Ken & Rod Preston-Mafham The number of species that make up insects, arachnids, and myriapoda (centipedes and millipedes) is uncountable and has evolved to fill every possible ecological niche. This visual encyclopedia is a fascinating and informative study of these tiny and amazing creatures. Written by two brothers who have devoted their careers to investigating bugs and insects, this book even features a species never before documented!

Australian Native Gardening Made Easy Hardcover Book by Dick Chadwick Plants

What Bird is That?:
A Completely Revised and Updated Edition
Neville w. Cayley

Readers Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds

Published by Readers Digest, Sydney, 1988
(3 copies)

Bush Regeneration: Recovering Australian Landscapes
Robin A. Buchanan

Field Guide to the Birds of Australia

Simpson & Day's Field Guide to the Birds of Australia seventh edition is completely revised. Field Guide section gives key points of identification using the latest classification system; 132 superb full-colour plates show all Australian bird species, including 16 new or revised plates; Revised distribution maps with all subspecies shown; Over 900 black and white line illustrations, many new or redrawn; Extended breeding information; Vagrant Bird Bulletin with 74 species; Updated Core Library included for beginner birdwatchers.

First Field Guide to Australian Birds by Pat Slater

Green Guide: Birds Of Australia
By Peter Rowland Paperback Book 1999

Australian Geographic Guide: BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA

Native Trees of Australia Hardcover – Jan. 1 1977

Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of South-east Australia
by Jean Galbraith

Australian Native Plants; Propagation Cultivation Landscaping
Wrigley & Fagg

Flora Of Melbourne
Guide To Indigenous Plants Greater Melbourne Area Growing

Banksias, Waratahs & Grevilleas & All Other Plants in The Australian Proteaceae Family

Blackberry Control Manual
Victorian Blackberry Taskforce
Also available on-line or download.

Orchids of Australia
by John J. Riley
(Hardcover, 2003)

Indigenous. The Making Of My Native Garden
Burke Don

Garden Birds Attracting Birds to Australian and New Zealand Gardens

Frith, Clifford B.; Walker, Cyril & Parmenter, Tim (Consultant Editors) 

Robin Hill

Complete Burkes Backyard
Burke Don
(2 copies)

The New Native Garden: Designing with Australian Plants Hardcover – 1 January 2002

by Paul Urquhart

A Handlist of the Birds of Victoria
W Roy Wheeler 1967

Birds of South-Eastern Australia Urban Areas
Gould League

Photographic field guide Birds of Australia
Jim Flegg

Seeding the Future
Seed collection and Cleaning
Compact Disk
Also Available on You Tube

The Waterbug Book
A Guide to the Freshwater Macroinvertebrates

Edward Tsyrlin and John Gooderham

Alan Seale's Garden Book of Shubs

Allan Seale

City of Casey Indigenous Plant Guide
Lots more info on
City of Casey web site

City of Casey
Weed Identification Guide
Lots more info on City of Casey web site

Growing Australian Native Plants from Seed
Murray Ralph 

Wildlife Conservation
H J Frith