Child Safety

The one thing more important than protection of the park.

So important that we tend to take it for granted - like breathing.

At the Association AGM (14 Aug 2021) it was moved that the Friends of Karkarook Park:

  1. Adopt a policy requiring that any child under the age of 18 years, and attending an activity of Friends of Karkarook Park inc, be accompanied / supervised by a parent, or guardian, or an adult person authorized by a parent or guardian

  2. a notice to that effect be prominently posted within the Nursery Compound.

  3. That a poster be prominently displayed advising reporting procedure with appropriate QR code contacts for FoKP, Parks Victoria, DHHS and Police.

  4. That members be informed, and a poster prominently displayed advising their moral / legal responsibility and protections regarding the reporting of suspected child abuse.

If you have formed a reasonable belief or suspicion that a child is at risk

of abuse or neglect, you have a moral and possible a legal responsibility to report it.

Depending upon the level of your suspicion and seriousness of the possible offense, you must use your discretion and report it to one of the following:

  1. The FoKP Activity Coordinator or Committee Member
    (Secretary 0418 177 777)

  2. A Parks Victoria Ranger
    (Head Ranger Sandbelt Parks 0418 173 228)

  3. Dept Families, Fairness and Housing
    (Child Protection Unit - South Division intake: 1300 655 795)

  4. Police: 13 14 44 (Call 000 only if emergency attendance is required)